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Living through making:

As a child, I often watched my father, who was a good craftsman, making things. He built cupboards, doors, even small huts for our horses. Together we visited hardware stores and other suppliers to buy the material. He always knew exactly what he needed. He bought things like rough wooden planks, tons of nails, screws, and clamps — stuff that did not look very appealing to me. But then, when I sat there watching him put everything together, that’s when the magic happened. Because of his hands and his work, it became whole. He built something nice and useful, three dimensional out of it. It fascinated me watching him making, creating!

Who am I? What label can be put on me? A dancer, a creator, a designer, a maker? A marketing professional? A businesswoman? An activist? My life has been a journey. I have visited different stations that formed me, educated me, taught me lessons, gave me experience — made me who I am today. If there is one thing that has always been there, motivated me, throughout my life, whether it was as a dancer, choreographer, marketing professional or designer, it was all driven by INSPIRATION! Being inspired and inspiring others! Through my fashion, I want to inspire people, encourage people to express themselves through clothing. Inspire people to let creativity happen. Instead of labelling, celebrate individuality, celebrate being alive.


The joy of making something, the process of create something with your own hands, and receiving the final product in the end — that’s the beauty and magic of craftsmanship!

In my case, to make a three-dimensional piece of clothing out of a two-dimensional design pattern, out of an idea. Bringing a flat piece of fabric to life — to revive vintage fabrics that have been around for generations and passed on, fabrics that are silently telling a story and live on through new designs — my designs.

Clothing is not just clothing. In my opinion, the way that clothes are made is just as important as the final product. You can tell by looking at a piece of clothing, even without being an expert, if it was made with love, skilled craftsmanship and attention to detail or not. I believe this is what makes clothes special. It is something that we need to bring back into our wardrobes — clothes with meaning and personal value.

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A·MA·RAN [æməræn] noun
the immortal ~ enduring, unceasing

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